rrripple Launched Today!!!
rrripple officially launched today at the esteemed TechCrunch 50 conference in San Francisco!!!
We have been given the honor of landing a spot in the DemoPit of the TechCrunch 50 conference for tomorrow, Sept. 15! If you’re at the conference tomorrow definitely stop by our booth for a Live Demo! For the rest of you, go ahead and register on the website and become a valued part of the rrripple community!
We look forward to your feedback through the website, and will be constantly updating the rrripple experience.
Let’s start rrrippling……..!
We’re launching rrripple at TechCrunch50!
Although our soft-launch is now underway with a select number of invited-only users — we’re formally launching at the esteemed TechCrunch50 event in San Francisco, CA — on September 14 & 15, 2009! We’ll be in the demo pit area on September 15 — and are looking forward to meeting with potential users, partners, potential investors, members of the press and the TC folks.